Uniting as an MIT Community
Amy Goldman, Senior Director

Dear Corridor readers,
As an institution steeped in innovation, MIT has fast-tracked Covid-19 research, rapid testing, and deployment of personal protective equipment to health care workers. Science and solutions live and breathe at MIT, and the reach of our collective community extends well beyond campus. For more on how MIT is addressing Covid-19, visit now.mit.edu.
MIT has many strengths, one of them being the Institute’s endowment, which is managed by the MIT Investment Management Company (MITIMCo). Powered by investment strategies that were designed to weather economic change, even change driven by a pandemic, the endowment is valued at $18.4 billion as of June 30, 2020, with a rate of return of 8.3% for the fiscal year. MITIMCo’s mission to ensure the Institute thrives for the long-term, in partnership with your support, steadies us.
Since March, we have heard from many of you with questions about the CARES Act, your existing planned gifts, and consideration of new gifts. We have been honored to work with you to good outcomes. Keep the questions coming! While our website is full of information, we’ve learned that donors often find it most helpful to talk one-on-one via phone or email: 617.253.4082 or giftplanning@mit.edu.
With gratitude,
Amy Goldman
Senior Director, MIT Office of Gift Planning